Ariel's pov

After what seemed like a long drive, we finally made a stop right in front of Maximum entertainment industry, Vincent's company.

Without waiting for me to process what was going on, Vincent came down from his car, handing his keys to a man standing outside wearing suit and a pair of gloves.

When I noticed he wasn't stopping anytime soon, I alighted from the car and walked hastily behind him.

After managing to catch up to his long strides, I jumped to his front stretching out my hands to restrict his movement.

"Where are you going and carrying me along to? This is abuse of power you know, and I'm sure the media would love to hear a gist about this." I threatened unable to take being treated like an accessory that must follow you wherever you go any longer.

"I'm sure Miss Phoebe recollects that she is to visit Maximum entertainment later in the day to sign her contract, why not do it now?" Vincent said squinting his eyes at me and I immediately shut up having no words to refute him.

He then pushed me aside and walked on like there was no trouble in the world for him.

We entered an elevator and I was mute staring at his broad back, was this the best time to silence him? But if I did it will be easily pointed back to me since I was spotted entering the building with him, in fact I'll be the first suspect, what tough luck, guess I'll have stick to my original plan then.

When we got to the office, Vincent gestured me to come closer but I stood rooted to the ground refusing to move, What was the devil thinking now?

Vincent POV

I went to drop Anna at school as usual but ended up getting a surprise treat when I saw the woman that was meant to cast in the next drama I'll be sponsoring on top of the kindergarten caretaker.

Apart from the fact I was annoyed that she had performed such a violent act in front of Anna, I found her actions cute, which is something i have never portrayed a woman as, well except from that fateful night but now, the woman, Mirabel, is nothing but a pest in my farm.

After asking Phoebe to follow me to the office, I felt giddy inside as my palms were covered with sweat, why was I this nervous about a woman? It's not that she means anything important to me.

"Where are you going and carrying me along to? This is abuse of power you know, and I'm sure the media would love to hear a gist about this." Her majestic voice interrupted my thoughts, to be honest, I couldn't take her threat serious because of how cute she looked.

"I'm sure Miss Phoebe recollects that she is to visit Maximum entertainment later in the day to sign her contract, why not do it now?" I responded trying to hide my fascination with her, without waiting for a response from her, I pushed her aside and got into the elevator trying to hide the smile that was forming on my lips as my heart pounded faster than before, could it be i was sick? I made a check in my mind to go visit the doctor later.

When we finally arrived at my office i gestured for her to come closer but she just stood still like an abandoned street lamp.

"If you don't come, I'll make sure to end your career before it even begins." I threatened and just like I hoped for it worked.

Phoebe moved closer to me grumbling while puffing her cheeks up in a cute manner that sort of reminded me of Anna's attitude when she is angry, they were so alike.

When she was close enough, I grabbed her wrist holding them tight, "Sir!" She tried to protest, was I a plague that she can handle my touch.

"I can't risk having an injured actress on set." I said removing a balm from my drawer as I applied to her hand gently.

When the balm came in contact with her hands and she flinched, I sneered at the fact that she was feeling pains now, "Next time don't go acting like a super woman, why did you even want to punch the lady in the first place?" I inquired feeling a bit curious but all I got as a response was a cold sharp gaze that startled me a bit and her withdrawing her hands from mine.

When she removed her hands, it felt like my sweater was removed from my body on a cold winter night, my hands felt cold and empty.

"Please sir, I think what I did is not relating to the movie or your company so I'll like you to mind your business." She replied coldly and I was angered deeply, the first time I decide to show interest in someone's matter I get rudely turned down.

"Sign this." I said coldly flinging the file at her roughly not bothering if I hit her, why should i care about her!