"Jason!" Just as I was about to ask, I heard mom's voice call out to me.

"Mom! You came early." I commented feeling surprised at impressed at the same time, "Aiyo, you this kid." She said and lifted me up pecking my forehead lightly.

I looked at Annabelle so I could introduce her to mom, but I saw her staring at our interaction in a daze, it was like the bubbly girl that was once there disappeared completely.

"Mom, this is my friend Annabelle." I introduced calmly after wriggling my way out of mother's arms.

"A friend? That's a first? Nice to meet you-" Mother paused her words immediately she saw Annabelle, I saw her grit her teeth together like she was trying to control herself.

After what seemed like a while, mother forced a smile out and picked me up, "Nice to meet you Annabelle, and also, Jason is my nephew, he just like to call me his mother." Saying that mother spun around and walked away, this was very unusual of her, Annabelle is the first friend I'll have apart from Leo, and she treats her like this.

Just as I was about to raise a question mom spoke, "Stay as far as you can from that Annabelle girl, and also did you forget what i told you about calling me Mom?" Mother inquired with a furious face, "But mom-" I wanted to protest but was cut off, "Jason, if you love me, you'll stay away from her, please." Mother pleaded and I gave up my protest.

I turned back to see Annabelle lone figure sniffling and cleaning her eyes, for the first time in a long time, I felt bad for someone, and that person is not my mother.

I knew mom would not keep me away from someone just like that, this means it is related to her job, if it were that, then it's best i stay away from Annabelle then, it's for the best, with great difficulty, i withdrew my gaze from Anna.

Just as we were about to get into the car, the woman from this morning cornered us.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you have to come to school tomorrow with your child's father, the parents of one of our students is demanding to speak with you." The woman announced, I knew what it was and honestly I am nervous at what mom's reaction is going to be.

"Why would they want to see me?" Mother asked with a confused look, oh oh, here comes the trouble.

"Apparently your son Jason, called someone and I quote, 'a fucking retard'." The woman informed, damn it I'm doomed, why did she have to say the exact words, now mom is going to think I'm bad.

"You're probably mistaken, my Jason is a sweet little angel, he can't say such words." Mom defended me, making me feel a pang in my heart, my mother is indeed the best.

"Just come with the child's father tomorrow." The woman said running away, that's weird, wasn't it the same woman that was being cocky this morning? Why is she so calm now?


After Mirabel left the office, I felt like a huge burden has been lifted up my shoulders.

I instructed Michelle on follow up measures on her issues before dismissing her and burying myself into work, by the time I was done and checked my watch i cursed, the closing time for the kindergarten had long passed.

My dear Anna must be all alone, I immediately left the office and sprinted into the elevator checking my wristwatch while tapping my foot on the ground at an interval.

How stupid of a father I am, how could I let time pass that much, I then thought of Mirabel, it could be possible Mirabel had gone to pick her up.

"Vincent?" Mirabel surprised voice called out, I almost never called her, of course she'll be surprised, "Have you gone to pick up Annabelle?" I asked pausing at my car door.

"I usually go to the hair salon at that time, I don't have the time to do so." Mirabel said in a confused voice, without talking further I hung up, I could not even bare to talk further, why does my daughter have to be born to such irresponsible human that only care about herself.

To be honest, the only reason why Mirabel is still with me is because at a tender age children needs their mother by their side, i don't want Anna to lack anything even if it meant having such a scheming woman by my side.

When I got to the kindergarten, I rushed inside to see Anna sitting down leaning on a pillar with tearstained eyes making my heart clench, who dared to bring my daughter to tears, I'll surely make them pay!

I gently scooped Anna into my hands and went straight into the car, after properly laying her in the backseat.