I don't know what took over me, but the moment I woke up from my slumber and saw Phoebe in my arms, i knew I wanted it to last forever, i wanted to protect this woman in my arms.

Now that my head is clear, I was able to piece things together, last night incident wasn't as simple as it looked like, but I'll look into that later, i thought to myself staring at the beauty in my arms, I should just relish this moment for now.

My eyes shifted to her gown that had raised up and I spotted something oddly familiar, it is a birth mark, the same one that Mirabel had that night, could this be just a coincidence? Or is there more to it?

My hands itched to touch it, when I noticed that she finally woke up, "You finally decided to wake up." I stated quickly retracting my hands from her.

"Vin.... Vin.... Vincent!" It looks like she had come to a realization that yesterday happened for real.