CHAPTER FIFTY: Endothelial dysfunction

Mirabel finally arrived and followed the crowd finally ending up where people gathered staring at Ariel and Anna with sad look on their faces, "Get me a defibrillator this instance!" Ariel yelled out an order as she feared that Anna's heart might have stopped working.

The nurses scurried about to go get what Ariel asked for and Mirabel wondered what it is all about, no matter what, she didn't like this Phoebe of a human, maybe she was even doing this to get Vincent's attention.

"What's going on?" Mirabel asked at first but nobody answered her as there was still panic in the air, "Vincent!" She called out but no response, just when she was about to throw a tantrum the device was brought in and placed by Ariel's side.

"Set to 44 joules." Ariel instructed the nurse rubbing the two iron against each other in preparation.