CHAPTER SEVENTY SIX: Kiss under the snow

"Hey Anna." Ariel knocked softly on the door, her heart sunk when she saw the little girl clutching to her teddy tightly and crying.

"It's me Phoebe." Ariel cooed, walking closer to Anna.

"Go away." Anna sniffed, turning her face which was now red from crying, she laid down on the bed.

"Mummy was right." She muttered to herself clutching the teddy even harder, as more tears streamed down her eyes.

Ariel sighed and rubbed her thighs, from what Anna just said, this situation definitely has something to do with Mirabel.

"Do you know I'm your aunt?" Ariel started off, going to sit beside Anna on the bed, she didn't know what else to say, it's the first that came to her mind.