CHAPTER 100: Court hearing I

Ariel looked worried as they all exited the mansion, the court has requested for Anna's presence so Anna had to follow them to court, and not wanting to leave Jason behind, he tagged along too.

The only thing Ariel is worried about is Vincent, he is not yet back, about two days ago, she went to the kitchen for a late night snack, when she overheard Mason's call.

From what she could pick up, Vincent is in trouble, the thought alone gave her a lot of unease.

Could it be the organisation managed to get their hands on him? She wondered, if that is the case then it's going to be a bit difficult as her legs have not yet recovered.

Vincent said they will know in weeks if she becomes completely paralysed, and that period has passed, honestly she is scared because not only might the organisation has gotten to Vincent but also with the fact that they are leaving the secured location of the mansion, for a court hearing.