107: make him hate her

"You should sit back down." Vincent told Ariel as he supported her back to her wheelchair, well, more like dragged her back because she wanted to tear Mirabel limp to limp.

"Your honour we would add attempted murder to the list too." Smith smiled craftily at Mirabel's lawyer, "After all the prosecutor just confessed everything herself." He added and the judge nodded.

"With the charges before us, and the prosecutor's confession, the court hereby sentence you to 10 years imprisonment." The judge announced hitting his gavel while Ariel sneered, she felt that was too light of a punishment to give the witch for what she's done, for her to harm a new born baby to the extent of giving her a disease that can't be cured, it is so inhumane!

"You can't take me to jail!" Mirabel yelled angrily like a maniac struggling to escape the grip of the police as they took her away.