115: seeing Leo

It's been months since the incident, and Mirabel's death, everyone were getting accustomed to life because as they say, life goes on.

As for Ariel and Vincent, the organisation has been quite quiet and they had not been attacked recently, but they still kept their guard up not letting the children go out or go to school, until they were sure the organisation no longer exists to terrorise them will they let the kids out of the Mansion vicinity.

Meanwhile, for Ariel's legs, Vincent managed to get hold of a high technology boots that could help her walk, it is a machine that strengthens her tissue, giving her just the right amount of strength to walk about though it's nothing like using your own legs and she still can't work without it.

"I'm off to work." Vincent buttoned up his shirt bending down to Ariel's level and giving her a peck on the cheeks.