117: Leave Vincent

"I don't plan on leaving the organisation soon." Leo said honestly, some humans don't deserve to be on this earth, and ending the lives of few gave him quite pleasure so how can he throw that away and leave the organisation?

"So you won't help me then." Ariel sighed within her, she wasn't ready to listen to Leo's reason for staying in the organisation, everyone had their own preferences and mindset, she is not going to change his.

"I can, but on one condition." Staring at him Ariel wondered what he wanted to say, "You have to leave Vincent and come with me." He smirked raising his cup to have a drink again only to see that it was empty, clicking his tongue he dropped the cup back on the table staring at Ariel's conflicted face with folded arms.

"I'm sorry but that's not possible Leo." Ariel stated clenching her fist together tightly.