121: Killing them

"Hey Ivy." Kitanna waved with her fingers dancing in rhythm, "Quite a man you've got here, but i don't think that's enough reason to betray the organisation." She tsked lightly as she checked Vincent out looking him up from head to toe.

Ariel immediately took a protective stance in front of Vincent and stared at Kitanna, "I never betrayed the organization, I just didn't complete my mission, it's not like I'm going to spill the existence to the government anyways." Ariel said with displeasure, why is the director so persistent on killing her? He knew she won't tell on them or anything so why the rampage.

"That's just bull shit and has nothing to do with me, to think someone like you at the top will fall so great because of a man, I'll enjoy killing you in front of him so he watches you die helplessly." Kitanna smirked as she drew out her sword from her sheathe.