130: Maybe if he could.........

The sun filtered into the room, showing Ariel who was laying on the bed wide awake with dark circles underneath her eyes indicating her lack of sleep.

She could hardly believe what happened last night, maybe she made a bad decision leaving Vincent.

"I'll call the chopper to come pick us up." Leo who was wearing only his trousers sitting at the edge of the bed, stated as if knowing that Ariel was awake.

"Hm." Ariel replied simply, while Leo stood up to make the call but paused when he saw her shredded clothes on the floor.

"I'll also get you a set of new clothes." He said awkwardly, but didn't get a reply from Ariel whom seemed to have suddenly gone mute.

Leo went to the door, his hand pausing on the knob, "I'm sorry for what happened." He apologised, before opening the door and closing it shut before leaving.