148: Making her business safe

Ariel immediately sent a text to Kitanna asking her to meet at her condo, then switched to her meeting on zoom.

She hadn't told anyone where that condo is not even Leo but she decided to trust Kitanna, after all, her life was saved because of her.

If it was someone with a bad intention they could have killed her at that moment they saw her weak and almost lifeless.

"Greetings gentle men." Ariel smiled widely, staring at the screen, top military personalities all appeared at once on the big screen.

"I'm glad you all gave me such honour to attend the meeting." She continued smiling sweetly, not minding the fact that she probably looked like someone trying to escape an apocalypse with all the blood on her body.

"You threatened to kidnap us along with our family members." A general interrupted coldly, and the rest shot her a look of disdain.