162: She is getting married?

"It is what it is." Vincent replied calmly, causing Benjamin to sigh.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked looking at his friend with all seriousness, marriage is a lifetime contract, signing it means staying with each other through thick and thin, he wanted to be sure Vincent knew what kind of step he is taking.

"I love her, and whatever may come, I will stand by her side, no matter what, i am pretty sure you understand that better than anyone else." Vincent answered relaxing on the chair.

"Okay but why do we have to plan the wedding? Isn't it the bride's family that Is meant to do that?" Benjamin's face immediately had a playful expression on, and Vincent caught on immediately to what his friend was thinking, he didn't want to remember that sad memory.

"Well, you are her future brother in law, in other words brother, so start acting on your duties now." Vincent shrugged nonchalantly causing Benjamin to raise his upper lip in disapproval.