170: Phone call (This chapter is rated 18)

But instead of saying anything, Vincent reached for his face and peeled off his skin causing Ariel to grimace at one point.

"There." Vincent stated to the stunned Ariel when he was done.

She stared at him not knowing what to say, or even how to say it.

"Why didn't I see it that day when we met at the penthouse." She asked referring to the time in country M with his tattoos and all.

"I felt there is no need to remove the skin since we were attacking at night." He replied taking a sip of his drink and placing it back on the counter while nervously tapping his hand on the glass.

She just stared at him saying nothing and it scared him sort off.

"How is this possible? If not for you showing me I wouldn't have had a clue." Ariel stood up and walked over to him.

Somehow she is not angry at him, she is just purely mesmerized by the scar on his face.

If the tattoo made him hotter raising the bar up by 10 then this went to level 50.