174: My mother is back in town

"Wait, isn't that the gold digging bitch?" A girl whispered to another pointing at Ariel who walked around the shop looking at the cuffs humming lightly, she could have just tied a knot around Vincent's wrist but she knows her husband pretty much well, he will definitely loose them.

Wait- she had called Vincent her husband just now, her face immediately flushed, thank God she wasn't speaking to him when that came out unconsciously.

Now that she thought of it, they were basically living like a married couple now, was there really any need for her to tell him to hold on with the marriage.

Glancing at her ring, Ariel let out a soft smile, she just hope whatever is going on isn't much of a problem, they were finally together was a big happy family, it would be nice if things ended with a happily ever after like those movies and cartoons.

Sensing impending danger, Ariel swiftly shifted away and the shelf she had been admiring came crashing down immediately.