176: Using the kids

"That's it?" Vincent asked when Ariel finished narrating everything that happened, he watched her stare at her fingernails with a guilty expression on her face.

"I really didn't think he will get so angry with you, I'm sorry if my decision affected your friendship." She apologised with a sad pout.

Her sulking was interrupted when a big hand covered her hair and scattered it about.

"There is no need to apologise for anything, you only wanted to help your friend, they will work it out eventually." Maybe this woman will be able to pull Benjamin out of the dark hole he is in and let him move on.

A decade has passed by since her death, looking at Ariel a thought crossed Vincent's mind, if she died will he ever be able to move on?

He doesn't think so, maybe he understands where Benjamin is coming from but whatever Ariel supports how can he, her man, oppose it?

"Are you angry?" Ariel asked still looking down at her fingers and playing with them.