185: Marriage

To crown it all there was a video from the official Mackenzie's account.

Ariel furrowed her brows as she contemplated whether or not to play it.

Her hand quivered as she wanted to press play, holding her breath as the video loaded and just when it was about to play, a hand gripped her shoulder causing her to jolt and drop her phone.

"You just got married and you are already disobeying your husband." Mason stated casting a glance at the phone that laid on the ground.

He had watched the video and right now he didn't think it's the best thing for Ariel to watch it.

No matter how much she thinks she hates or no longer cares about her parents, them telling lies like that to support one of their daughters and destroying the other will definitely hurt.

"Father, I-" Ariel didn't know what to say, she was sure Vincent had called his father for him to leave his study to come meet her.