

17:00 hours.

June 18th, 1999.

Somewhere in Cantina, some 30km away from Bruges town, heavily pregnant Max lay on a cushion outside her grandmother's building. The baby was due any moment from now and thank goodness her ever-loving grandmother was there to take care of her.

Having been disowned and driven out of her father's house in Bruges town (for getting pregnant out of wedlock), she had and knew nowhere else to go but back to her paternal grandparent's house. Though disappointed, her grandmother welcomed her with open arms, cleaning her tears after she entered the compound with a backpack containing the few clothes her parents had spared her.

She felt the baby kick and she ran a hand through her stomach reassuring herself that her grandmother was the town's local midwife, who had a record of about 89 (or was it 99) safe deliveries to her name. No death of either mother or child in all the cases. Which had made her the most sought-after local midwife.

Speaking her local dialect to the baby as she ran her hand over her tummy, she said "Don't worry my love, Mama citas (which was the name the community called her grandmother) is here to bring you to the world. She brought me to this world, can you imagine that? She's going to bring you out of me too. Isn't that sweet?" she felt the baby kick again and she laughed out loudly to herself saying "Hey relax, great-grand would bring you out successfully and then put you in my arms"


From the far end corner of the house inside the outdoor kitchen behind Max, Grandma Citas had been watching Max talk to herself as she ran her hand through her stomach. From her many years as a midwife who had supervised 99 safe deliveries (15 twins and 6 triplets inclusive), she knew her 19-year-old granddaughter was about to go into labor unknown to the young girl herself. "Poor thing," she said to herself, remembering how with no cash on her, the poor girl had walked the distance from Bruges town to Cantina.

Despite the loneliness of the road and the risk involved, the girl had braved the distance. She was indeed her son's daughter, built tough and strong-headed. Despite all her pleas, her son had refused to take the girl back simply because according to him "she made him lose a potential client whom he had been going for". "hmm" she scoffed wondering what that meant.

But for the first time in her lifetime as a midwife, there was this high level of uncertainty hanging in the air. She feared if this particular delivery would be successful. She stirred the soup on the gas for the last time before putting it down. After which she cleaned her eyes which were now failing her with the back of her hands, before returning the tea kettle on the fire.


As Max lay running her hand on her stomach, she began to remember the event that happened just before she got pregnant. She smiled as the memories of what she had done ran through her head. She thought about the love of her life, the father of her baby who the last time she heard from, him was just a day before she discovered she was pregnant after the mailman had given her his later.

It had been a month since she finished her computer course in Briggs Cafe Bruges town. It had been a month of non-stop dates, flowers, and gifts ever since she began seeing him as soon as she got back home from school. Her parents who were both too busy with work had gone for a special board's meeting somewhere in the south of Bruges town and wouldn't be back until the following evening. She had been itchy all day to meet up with Cain. This was the third time, she checked the wall clock for when her brother would be back from school . Almost immediately as her younger brother comes in she finds an excuse to go the door or to leave the house, but her brother beats her race when she goes into the room to change into something nice and comfortable. He leaves with his football headed for the streets.

Being the first child and age 18, this was not the first time her parents would ask her to take care of the house while they went on their tony board meetings within and outside Bruges town unknown to them, she had tasted the forbidden fruit after losing her cherry to the love of her life in the next street less than a month ago.

After listening to her friends back in school talk about how romantic and sweet their boyfriend's would be to them.

She had resolved not to turn around but to find a way to sleep over at his place, After all, today was, supposed to be their farewell date, until she joined him wherever he's posted to she thought to herself. Everything was just going fine, her parents had been planning for the meeting since the previous week so she couldn't wait for them to leave.

He wouldn't be back home till later in the evening so just when she was about to go over to his place by 18:00 hours, the heavens opened and it began to rain heavily. Her brother had returned to the house already and had eaten his evening meal. "God" she breathed stroking her hair as she cursed the rain while lying on the couch in their living room. It was now 20:00 hours and this rain hadn't shown the signs of stopping.

Her younger brother after playing all day and a heavy evening meal, was fast asleep on the other couch. Looking at him in anger as the rain ruined her plans, she wondered if he was truly her father's son. He looked so much different from her and her immediate younger brother be it in his behavior (a bloody little scoundrel he was), his physical appearance tall while he is very short), or skin, etc There was just nothing to prove her dad was responsible. No wonder Mama citas began to despises her mom after the boy's birth. But her dad blinded by love would have none of it. To cap it all, he was her mom's favorite child. So lazy he was that he could even sleep under that rain and not wake up the next morning.

Then it hit her, The truth is the rain wasn't gonna stop anytime soon and might continue for days as it was common in Bruges town. Now, since her brother was a heavy sleeper, he wouldn't wake up if she didn't wake him up. So she decided to enter the rain and go to her boyfriend's residence on next Street. She quickly took off her bra putting on her nightgown, and taking a vest. She turns off the security light outside so no one could see her leave, she locked the door behind her and ran under the rain to his residence.

Some minutes later.

A faint knock is heard on the door, and the knocking continues until Cain opens up. "thought you weren't going to make it" spoke Cain, "well I made it as promised, can't leave you hanging out alone" replied Max, "oh where are my manners, please come in" realizing he was still holding out the door and she was outside. Max walks into the living room as Cain shuts the door behind them.

The event that unfolded during the night was just too unforgettable for Max. As she reminisced about that event, her right hand that was on her tummy had automatically found its way into her skirt "Wow", she thought to herself. All of a sudden she felt her liquid like a flood floodgates out of her.

It was followed almost immediately by a sharp contraction, only then did Max realize her "water" had broken."Maamaa Citaas" she screamed in fear wondering if her insatiable lust for her boyfriend had affected her pregnancy.


Six hours later, the baby was still not out and Mama Citas was scared. Although she had spent the worst time of this, with a lady for 14 hours, this particular case wasn't normal to her. She had tried all the tricks she had but still nothing. The poor girl was losing it and Mama Citas knew if a miracle doesn't happen having a mother and child might become difficult. "My God" she called out in her local dialect in her head, "please not my own child" Other ladies who usually assisted her were on hand to help.

In order not to show fear, Mama citas went outside as if to get something leaving the women and Max behind. Outside she went towards her kitchen far from the building. Looking up to the moon she prayed to God not to fail her. He is responsible the for success of past deliveries she oversaw why should this be different? Just then she heard one of the ladies call out her name that the baby was finally coming out. She ran back towards the building and just when she was about to climb the first stair, she slipped and fell forward hitting her head on the concrete floor.

As Mama Citas breath her last, the baby came out with little or no push by Max and began to cry.

As soon as she heard the baby crying, Max's tears of pain became tear's of joy, and after the older lady mentioned it was a baby girl, she laughed out loud to the surprise of the women. After cleaning her and the baby up, the woman passed the baby to her to feed. As she felt the milk come out as the baby suckled, she whispered the name Anna.

Despite the bleak future ahead, knowing her dad would have nothing to do with her or the baby, she had never for one second regretted the pregnancy and was as a matte her only true love ad gotten her pregnant. She then asked about her grandmother and the younger of the two ladies went out to check where she was.

Just outside, she saw the the lifeless body of Mama Citas and screamed waking up and bringing out the neighbors who were sleeping or still awake.