
After motioning to the girl to follow him if she wanted to live, he was pleasantly surprised when rather than get up and follow him immediately, she picked up what was the ruins of her panties and moved to where the boy was sitting and tied his leg in a bid to reduce his blood loss.

The frightened boy who was now crying at the death of his dad and elder sister, looked at her in fear thinking she wanted to attack him in his helpless state. On his part, he decided against killing the boy since he had found out the story behind the contract. The boy deserved to be alive to control his father's wealth. While the girl bent over attending to the injured boy, he was treated to an interesting view of her young and swollen Virginia and butt hole that had just been recently screwed. The whole region was glistening from her juice. But he quickly took his eyes from there when he heard several gunshots from outside the building. Obviously, in their attempt to rush into the building, his assistant had opened fire on the guards with them responding in kind.

The heavy gunfire outside made him speak into his mouthpiece for the first time since he was shot indicating he was coming out soon. Otis who was still naked quickly picked up her schoolgirl skirt and wore it. With the buttons of her shirt having been ruined by Minister earlier on, she just tried the loose ends and quickly followed him. There was no way he was going through the main entrance and opted to go through the back door before turning to the direction he had come in from. The girl seemed to have found a sudden surge of adrenaline rushing through her following closely behind him.

Just as he was about to open the door leading into the security room, he saw three men rush into the room and quickly opened fire on them, putting at least four bullet holes in each of them with some shots missing their mark.

They had come through the same route he had planned to take which meant more might be there. Turning the girl, he asked her to keep up, and just as he went through the door with his rifle pointed, he saw someone grab the nozzle of the rifle in an attempt to pull it away from his hand and he immediately pulled the trigger releasing several shots into the room until the gun clicked, signifying the cartridge was empty. But the hand never left the nozzle despite its hotness. In the end, the man succeeded in pulling the gun away from his hand, but for the rope attached to his shoulder from the gun, the muscular man would have taken possession of the gun. In the struggle, he then attempted to pull out his side gun, but the man hit the gun away from his hand and gave him a head butt which was followed immediately by a punch to his left cheek. He staggered backward and then made his fist in anticipation of the man charging at him. Then he heard the sound of his gun with the man dropping to the ground.

Looking in surprise, her saw the girl holding his sidearm. When the man hit the gun away from his hand, it fell in her direction and she picked it up. "Thanks," he said and moved towards her collecting the pistol from her. "Let's go," he said while reloading his rifle. He was impressed with the girl again for the second time that night. Stepping out into the open, he realized his assistant was now shooting from the area he had made use of when breaching the perimeter fence. Speaking into the mic, he asked his colleague to cover them while he asked the girl to run towards the direction his colleague was shooting from. Only about four guards were left but he knew reinforcement was definitely on the way. As Otis ran towards there, she kept hearing serious gunfire but the only thing in her mind

was that she just killed a man and felt no remorse. Which was a good sign that killing Mona would be easy after all. When she finally got to where the man was shooting from, she saw the opening and then crossed over. Then she saw the man who had saved her or whose life she also saved run towards their direction. Together the three of them ran towards the boat with him asking his assistant about the other girl. He responded saying he had asked her to move to the boat so she could avoid getting hit by bullets coming in that direction.

A few meters into the bush, the girl suddenly screamed and stopped running with him stopping to ask her "Why are you stopping? What's the problem?".

"The grasses are cutting my boobs" she cried while rubbing her boobs "I need a shirt or something to cover my chest" she answered him breathing heavily It was then he realized that since her shirt had no buttons and she had just tied the loose ends, her chest region was thrown open with her boobs in the display as she ran. The tall elephant grasses around were cutting her skin. Removing the jacket he wore over his bulletproof vest, he held it open for her to pass her hands through before they both continued running. When they got to the river bank where their boat was, the frightened girl was seen shaking inside the boat. Helping the new girl in after his assistant had gone in, he pushed the boat a little further into the water before his assistant started the engine. He then jumped in while his assistant drove them away.

They knew it would be risky going the whole length of the waterway because an air patrol might just come after them. So they had already planned instead they changed course and sailed in a different but longer direction. When they finally got to their rendezvous, a second assistant was waiting for them by the harbor and quickly they exited the speed boat and entered a waiting SUV. Only inside the car did both men unmask. They drove for some 10 minutes before they got to a police checkpoint mounted by some police officers on night patrol. But surprisingly to Otis, they were allowed smooth passage without any questions. After another 20 minutes, they had joined a very busy road and that was when Otis realized they were obviously in Aztec as could be seen in the yellow and black striped cars everywhere. Stopping somewhere, the man who saved her asked her to alight and instructed the other men to take the other girl home the next day. The man now led her towards a car parked by the corner of the road, asked her to get in, and drove off in another direction passing through what was a well-lit long bridge. While she knew she would one day visit the Aztecs, this wasn't how she had thought she would enter the city. "You have to stay with me for a while until I'm sure it's safe for you to return to your parents. They'll be looking out for you" he said to her bringing her out of whatever it was she was thinking about. "You'll call your parents in the morning and tell them you are safe and will be coming home soon. But before then, I'll need some information from you" he added "Ok" she responded not sure of the kind of information the man would be needing but happy at the thought of going back home sooner than she expected. After another 10 minutes, they arrived Obalende after descending the 3rd Homeland bridge. He packed by the roadside and bought a dress for her from one of the night sellers. Then continued toward the heart of Ife. The man asked her to put on the dress he just bought and some 10 minutes later, they arrived at the gate of what was a very big estate with the man driving in without being asked questions. A few minutes later, they were climbing the stairs leading up to an apartment in the estate. He had just brought her to his safe house. He would keep her here until he was sure nothing was linked to her concerning this night's murders.