How it all started

Lauren woke up with a throbbing headache,she hated the fact she have to go through another new month with a boring and old life. No man by her side, everyone avoided her because they think she stinky, doesn't dresses nice and she looks old enough to be in her twenties.

She yawn looking at the posters of all the men in her room. Lauren has paste that to always remember her goal. When everyone was setting high goals for the month, Lauren goal was to experience sex for the first time in her life.

Lauren was all alone in her little apartment where everything was in a place. Her kitchen, bedroom, dinning room but the only thing that wasn't found in her apartment, was the restroom. She couldn't afford àn apartment that has the restroom inside so when she wants to take a shower,she will move over to her neighbors to beg them.

Lauren luu experience her parents die in a car accident when she was just ten ,after that,she was taken to the orphanage where she grew up and escape from there.

Lauren stood up pacing around the room,she knew that if she wants to have this sex,then she has to wear sexy stuffs. She has everything that a man needed: big boobs and butt, beauty and the best part was,she was a virgin.

She has decided that tonight was going to be the night that her dreams will come true. She has planned on going to this famous club in newyork where rich men always come to dine and have their ways with ladies.

Apart from having sex which was her plans,she also planned on having a baby for one of those rich men. She could have gone to any other clubs but she picked a famous club to have fun because she wants the rich guy that will pregnant har to pay lots of her bills when she is pregnant.

She wants to have kids for the rich man,she would lure him to her charm.

Lauren has never dated before,she has multiple crush when she was in high school but non of them were interested in her. No one has ever love hywr or take time to love her. Only her parents believe and trust in her to live up and complete their legacy from being poor to becoming rich.

Lauren sigh,she was tired of her life, she wanted to be happy like how some people was,she wants to live a normal life ,a happy life before death will stuck her or she will get old. Lauren has decided that whatever might happened today it what's she wants whether good or bad.

17 hours later.....

Lauren has gone for shopping with her last coin she had. She has a job which pays her less than 100 dollar In a week. She brought one of those sexy clothes she has been trying to buy. It looks so beautiful,but it was cheap. She sat down to curl her hairs, apply the possible make up she have,which was only a lipgloss and her pankett. She put on her accessories and put on the only shoe she has which was a high heel that has been passed from her great grandma generation to hers. When she was done, she asmire her self in the mirror enjoying the full view. She looks like a model,a beautiful model.

"It's time to get going Lauren" she said to her self. She took a breath in and out,after satisfying her self with the way she looks,she walks out of her apartment expecting the best to happen that night.