Protector‘s Vow

Erik, his heart a tempest of rage and protectiveness, stormed through the village, his eyes blazing with a singular purpose. The evening air was heavy with tension as he approached Ulf and his gang, who were lounging near the village's central fire pit, unaware of the storm about to break upon them.

Erik, five years older and a seasoned warrior, didn't hesitate. Honor, a concept usually held in high esteem, was momentarily set aside, eclipsed by the need to avenge his brother. The ensuing battle was brutal and swift. Erik's anger lent strength to his blows, each one delivered with the precision and fury of a wronged protector. Ulf and his gang, caught off guard by Erik's ferocity, were quickly overwhelmed. They pleaded for mercy as Erik, driven by the image of Torstein's battered and bleeding form, fought with a relentless intensity.

In the heat of battle, Erik came close to crossing a line from which there was no return. His axe hovered over a defeated Ulf, the temptation to end it all right there almost overpowering. But at the last moment, a flash of Torstein's face in his mind stayed his hand. This was not just about revenge; it was a message to the entire village: Torstein was under his protection, and any harm done to him would not go unanswered.

Leaving Ulf and his gang in their battered state, Erik turned and walked away, his point made. As he made his way home, his adrenaline ebbed away, replaced by a growing sense of foreboding about the consequences of his actions.

Upon reaching home, Erik's appearance was a stark testament to the evening's events. Covered in blood and grime, he was a fearsome sight. Torstein, who had been anxiously awaiting his brother's return, ran to him immediately. Seeing Erik in such a state, his emotions overflowed. Tears streamed down his face as he hugged his brother tightly, apologizing through sobs for being the cause of this violence, for being too weak to stand up for himself.

Erik, feeling his brother's small frame shaking with sobs, wrapped his arms around him. "No, Torstein," he said gently, his voice tinged with exhaustion and affection. "You have nothing to apologize for. You are strong in ways that others can't see. Your strength lies here," he said, placing a hand over Torstein's heart. "And here," he added, touching his brother's temple. "You are my brother, and I will always protect you, no matter what."

As they stood there, the brothers' bond deepened, a silent understanding passing between them. Erik knew there would be consequences for his actions, but in that moment, all that mattered was reassuring Torstein that he was not alone, that his strength was not defined by his ability to wield an axe, but by the resilience and kindness of his heart.