The Healer's Counsel

Torstein's heart was heavy with anticipation and uncertainty as he made his way to the dwelling of Eirlys, the village healer. Her name, synonymous with mercy and protection, was a beacon of hope for many in Gråhavn. But for Torstein, approaching her was an undertaking filled with nervousness and unease. Eirlys, known for her blunt demeanor, had never been particularly fond of him. She appreciated his nonviolent nature, as it meant fewer injuries to tend to, but her indifference towards him was noticeable.

Clutching the bag of herbs he had collected, Torstein stepped into Eirlys's abode, a place redolent with the scent of various remedies. The healer, with her piercing blue eyes and stoic, unsmiling expression, looked at him with a mixture of curiosity and impatience.

"Torstein," she greeted him coolly, "what brings you here?"

"I've gathered these herbs from the forest," Torstein began, his voice tinged with hope. "I was hoping they might be of some value."

Eirlys examined the contents of the bag with a practiced eye. Her long, dark ash hair, tied back in a practical braid, swayed slightly as she sifted through the herbs, her fingers deftly assessing their quality. Finally, she looked up, her verdict ready.

"These are common, Torstein. Not worth much, I'm afraid. You won't get more than twenty Silver penningar for all of these." Her words were like a cold splash of reality on Torstein's fervent aspirations.

Torstein's heart sank. A hundred Silver penningar was a mere drop in the ocean of the fine they owed. He felt a sense of desperation creeping in, a nagging fear that his efforts would not be enough.

Eirlys, noting his crestfallen look, sighed. "If you want to gather herbs that are worth something, you'll need to venture deeper into the forest. There are rarer herbs, more valuable ones, but they're not without their risks." Her tone was matter-of-fact, devoid of sympathy.

"Or," she continued, her gaze sharp and observant, "you could take up hunting, or some other trade. You need to do more, Torstein, if you're serious about helping your family."

Her words struck a chord in Torstein. He realized that his aversion to violence and physical confrontation had limitations, especially in a world where such traits were essential for survival and prosperity. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, but it was also a wake-up call.

Torstein thanked Eirlys for her advice, albeit with a heavy heart, and left her dwelling. As he walked back through the village, his mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. The safety and comfort of the paths he had always walked were now juxtaposed against the harsh reality of his family's needs. He needed to push his boundaries, to explore uncharted territories, both literally and metaphorically.

The journey home felt longer than usual, each step heavy with the weight of the decision he had to make. Torstein knew that the time had come to redefine himself, to step beyond the confines of his comfort zone. It was a daunting prospect, but the love for his family and the desire to protect them, just as Erik had done for him, fueled a newfound courage within him.

As the stars began to twinkle in the evening sky, Torstein made a silent vow. He would venture deeper into the forest, seek out the rare herbs that Eirlys had spoken of, and explore other means to contribute to the fine. It was a journey fraught with unknowns, but one he was now determined to undertake. For his family, for Erik, and for himself.