🌷Can't help falling 🌹

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏



Tiffany was glad she was able to delete her details from the internet.

"I need to be very careful of my movement now that he is suspicious of me" she said to herself and later sleep.

The next morning they all wake up and Chloe felt weak but she decided to wave it off.

She stood up and take her bath as the others and they make breakfast, dress up and eat.

They were about going out when Chloe suddenly feel dizzy and she slumped and fainted.

This got the attention of Tiffany and Evelyn and they both rush to her and they carry her and took her to the school clinic.

They got to the school clinic and the doctor there made some check up on her to know the cause of her sudden illness.

After he was done with his check up he went to Tiffany and Evelyn and told them the cause of her sickness.

"Your friend is down with fever and it will take few days for her to recover"

"Okay doctor thanks, can we see her?"

"Sure you can" the doctorsaid and left for his office.

Dave was in his room about going for lecture when he decided to call Chloe to hear her voice.

He picked up his phone and call her but she did not pick up and he called the second time still the same.

He tried again the second time and Evelyn picked up and told him about Chloe's illness.

Immediately he heard of her illness he rush down to the clinic.


Spider search for Tiffany's details online and as he saw it he was about reading it when it became blank and could not see it anymore.

He wondered what the problem is, he search again for her details but found nothing, he tried many times but still the same then he knew the details has been deleted and he was angry that he could not get her details.

"You think you are really smart, I will find some other way to get you"he said then switched off the system then he went out to the pool with a bottle of wine and a glass cup in his hand.


Dave got to the clinic and he met Tiffany and Evelyn sitted at the reception.

He went to them and asked about Chloe.

"The doctor has treated her but she is sleeping now" Evelyn said.

"Can I go to see her now?"

"Yes you can go" Tiffany said and he went into her ward.

He got there and met her laid on the bed weakly.

He went to her and held her hand.

"Get well soon my love" he said sadly and peck her on her forehead and then he felt her body is hot.

He left the ward and told Tiffany and Evelyn to go for lecture that he will stay with her.

They insist on staying but he forced them to go and they left.

"Make sure you take good care of her" Evelyn said.

"Sure" he replied and they left.

Then he went to the doctor's office and told him about her temperature.

"I am aware of her temperature, she will be okay soon just don't worry"

"Okay doctor" he said and went back into her ward.

He then sat down and began caressing her hair and telling her to wake up soon.

He was there for some hours before she woke up and she saw him but she felt weak to stand up.

Dave quickly rush to her and help her up and he made her rest her back on the pillow.

"Sorry dear" he said to her.

"Thanks darling, why didn't you go for lecture?"

"You expect me to leave you here and go for lecture, with this your condition"

"Thanks for staying with me"

"You don't need to thank me"

"Where is Tiffany and Evelyn?" She asked

"They have gone for lecture,they wanted to stay but I forced them to go telling them that I will stay with you" Dave said.

"Okay" she said weakly then Dave went to her and he made her rest her head in his shoulder.

"Sorry darling" he said and she nodded.

Just then Romeo came in and saw them then he went to Chloe and touch her body to feel her temperature.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked.

"She is getting better" Dave answered for her.

After few lectures Tiffany and Evelyn went back to the clinic to check on her and they stayed with her together with Dave till night before they left there telling her they will check on her the next day.


Chloe has recovered and she is fully okay again and they took her home after she was discharged.

During these three days Tiffany could not go to her part time job, she called her boss and explained things to her and she understand.

After they got back to the hostel they gave Chloe a lot of food to eat so she could regain her weight.

Dave tried to feed her but she decline.

"No,I can eat myself, am okay now" she said and he just smiled and let her eat.

As she was eating he began staring at her without taking his eyes off her.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" She asked.

"You have become so lean, you need to eat to gain back your lost weight"he said and they began staring at each other.

Tiffany, Evelyn and Romeo sense what is about to happen so they excuse them both.

Seeing that others have left they kissed each other deeply and they began smooching.

Romeo and Evelyn went to a restaurant and Tiffany went to the school library to read some books.


Jameson graduated and went back home happily and he was welcome well and they celebrated his graduation.

He was given a car by his dad for his success.

He was happy for this but he rejected the car telling his father that he needs to work for his own money and don't want to depend on his father's wealth.

His dad was proud of him for this and he never forced him to take the car.

After some days of staying at home he went out to search for job.

He search for sometime and could not find a job he likes so he went back home but he keep on searching.

He later got a job as a manager in a big company and he began working diligently.



It is been three weeks and the students her preparing for their second year examination coming up in two weeks time.

The lecturers ended their lecture to give the students enough time to read.

Chloe, Tiffany and Evelyn always read together everyday so as to come out with a good grade.

The students are all reading for their upcoming exam,only those that think they will pass without reading or the unserious ones did not read.

Instead they go about partying and doing uneccesary things.

It was finally the day of the examination and everyone was rushing around to go into the examination hall to write the exam.

The students were shared into their various hall and the exam questions were given to them and the exam began.

They did the exam for two weeks and after two weeks they were done and waiting for their results.

They were given three weeks break and then all students went home awaiting their results.


Ricardo was in his room making call when his wife came to his room to ask something but what she heard made her stop and she began eaves dropping and she was surprised that her husband is into some shady business and she could not believe it.

She opened the door and Ricardo was shocked to see her.

He began wondering if she heard his conversation or not.


What do you think will be Ricardo's wife reaction?

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