🌷Can't help falling 🌹

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏



Ricardo got home and his wife saw him but she never act like she know his secret, she act normal the way she use to act before towards him.

Then she help him take his briefcase to his room and went along with her.

She drop the briefcase and got out of his room to prepare dinner.

Ricardo also got to his room still not happy with the number of men he loose.

He put off his clothes and had a shower then change into a new cloth then he went back to the living room.

He got to the living room and he began watching the TV then a news pop up.

"There is a fight today between two gangs which end up with them killing each other and the cops are on the look out for these two evil gangs but they have not been caught, we pray they get these two gangs soon" the lady said and Ricardo angrily change the channel.

He began watching the programme.

Few minutes later the dinner is done and she set the dinning.

As she was setring the dinning Jameson also came back from work and he grew his parents and went upstairs to change.

After changing his clothes he joined his parents at the dinning and they are and went to sleep.


Chris confess his love to Tiffany and Tiffany stared at him in shock because she was not expecting that at all.

Chris stared at her waiting for a reply from her.

After a while Tiffany spoke up.

"You see Chris, I am sorry if I will make you sad but I am not ready for any relationship now, love is not just my thing. I only see you as my master and a friend, nothing else. I wish you find a girl who will love you as much as you love her but not me" she said and left the place.

Chris felt sad at her words, he was heartbroken at what he heard, he saw this coming but he just decided to give it a try to see if it will work but he got rejected.

He left the place with sadness and went back to his home.

Tiffany also got to her part time job and she began working diligently as usual.

This made her boss love her more because she is really hardworking and dedicated.

Evelyn and Chloe got home after a nice time with their boyfriends and they both sat on the bed tirelessly began chatting on their phone.

After some hours Tiffany also got back so tired and she laid on the bed.

"Welcome, how was work today" Chloe asked.

"It was so stressful" she answered

"You are over stressing yourself, I don't know why you are working when you lack nothing" Evelyn complained.

"I can't just depend on your parents always, I have to be independent and prepare for my future" she said.

"I know, but you can do that after you graduate"

"I know that but let me just prepare myself for it now"

"Okay, if you insist" Evelyn said and then she stood up to prepare dinner.

They ate dinner they all slept.

They woke up the next day but Tiffany was finding it hard to stand up, her body is aching her, it isn't easy to go for lecture, training and still go to work but she is determined keep on doing it.

She managed to stand up and took her bath and they all ate their breakfast and went for lecture.

At the lecture room Tiffany could not listen to what the lecturers were saying,sheffels so tired.

She lay her head on the table and slept off for some minutes before she woke up.

After the last lecture she went to the clinic without letting her friends know.

She complained to the nurse there and she was given some drugs to use and she went straight to her hostel and she use the drug and slept off.

Chloe and Evelyn were looking for her but they could not find her, they called her number but it was not going through.

They were still going around searching for her when they both bump into Romeo and Dave.

"Hey babes, where are you both heading to?" Romeo asked.

"We couldn't find Tiffany, we have been searching for her since"

"Where could she have gone to?, she many have gone to her part time job as usual" Dave said.

"She usually inform us whenever she is going but we found it strange she did not tell us" Evelyn said.

"Do not worry yourselves she will be fine, it may skip her mind to inform you" Dave said and girls calm down.

Then Dave held Chloe by her waist and they both leave the place.

Romeo just stood there staring at Evelyn without moving.

"Why are you staring at me that way?" She asked him

"You look more beautiful, I am so lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend" he said and she blush.

"You are also very handsome and I am the lucky one to have you as my boyfriend" she also said and he smiled and they hugged each other and they also left to a romantic place for couples.

Tiffany could not go for training and also for her part time job, she called her boss and told her she is sick that she won't be able to come to work that day and she accept.

Chris got to where he usually train Tiffany but could not find her, he waited for hours but still she did not show up.

"I hope she is not avoiding me because of my confession" he said to himself.

After waiting for hours without her showing up he decided to go home.

He got to his house and decided to call her but her phone was not reachable so he decided to let it be.


Jameson woke up the next day and he checked the time and realized he was late.

He quickly went into the bathroom and took his bath ad dress up in a rush and came down to the living room and he greeted his parents ad was rushing out when his mother approach him and gave him food in a plate.

"I know you are late so I put your food in the plate for you to eat at work later" his mum said.

"Thanks mum" he said and collect the food and went out in a rush and he drove to work speedily.

He got to work and met his boss on his way to his office.

"Why are you just coming by this time?" His boss asked checking the time

"I am very sorry sir, I woke up late"

"This unlike you, you are always early to work, I will let this slide but make sure this never happens again"

"I promise it will never happen again sir" he said bowing and his boss left him then he also went to his office and began working.

After working for a while he took his food and eat it then he continue working.

Ricardo's wife also later left for work leaving only him at home.

After sometimes he left for work also.


Spider was hellbent in finding out the real details about Tiffany but he could not get it so he decided to go to her school to find out about the real her.

He decided to inform the boss about his intention.

The others were in sad mood for thrones lost during the exchange and not happy for it at all.

Ricardo got to the clan later in the evening and told them about his plan of he will destroy the other clan.

Spider decided to let him know his intention of going to Tiffany's school to find more about her.

"I will let you know if you should go or not after this mission" Ricardo said to him after he told him everything.


Chloe and Evelyn got back to the hostel later in the evening they met Tiffany sitting on the bed with her phone.

"Oh where have you been, you didn't go to work today?" Chloe asked moving towards her.

"I felt tired so I could not go, I have been in the hostel since I finish lecture" she replied.

"Oh sorry about that, you see why I said you are over stressing yourself, I think you will quit that job"

"No I can't quit, I will continue, I will be fine in no time" she said stubbornly.

Then she let her be since she insist on continuing the job.


I think Spider is really crossing the line, what is really wrong with him?

Say something nice about what you just read. Wow, nice, next, interesting are prohibited. There are things to say in the chapter so things good.

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