🌷Can't help falling 🌹

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏



Spider on seeing that Venom was about to be stabbed ran to her front and he was stabbed instead and he groan in pain.

Venom face there and saw Spider has been stabbed and she held him before he fall and she began calling his name but he had already went unconscious so she took him into the clan.

Tiffany also left there and went back home.

As she got home Jameson was still at the window when she came back and he was happy seeing her.

She went into the house and was happy for what she did.

"Wow, that lady is really good, now I know why other clans fear their clan, I need to be well prepared if I want to defeat him" she said and laid on her bed to rest for a while before she stood up again and she bring out some devices which will help her in defeating them. Things like fire laser, a device that make one feel weak when use it on them.

That night she decided to create a robot just in case it will be needed.

She started creating the robot and she couldn't sleep all night.

She came out of the house later in the morning to take her clothes which she spread out and Jameson also was awake staring at her through the window and he saw how pale she look.

He wondered why she look so pleased like that.

He decided to make breakfast for her so he went into the kitchen and make a special dish for her, after making it he pack it into a cooler and took it to her.

Tiffany was arranging the house when she heard a knock on her door.

She went to open it and she saw Jameson with a cooler in his hand.

Seeing him she locked the door back.

"Just let me in please" he said and Tiffany hesitated for a while before opening the door for him and he went in.

"What did you want?"

"Why are you acting so cold towards me, you act like you don't know me"

"What if I know you, if you don't have anything serious to say just get out"

"Okay I brought you food" he said stretching the cooler to her.

"I don't need it"

"Just accept it please" he said.

"Fine" she said and collect the cooler from him"

"Thanks,can we be friends?"

"No, we can't"

"Please" he said with an innocent face and Tiffany see herself smiling with his behavior.

"Okay fine, we can"

"Thanks" he said and hug her, Tiffany never see this coming, she just stood there surprised.

Jameson got back to his senses and broke the hug.

"I am sorry" he said and left.

Tiffany was still wondering why he did that.

This is the first time a guy will get so close to her.

She shrug off the thought and went into the room and she took her bath and dressed up then she took the food and began eating it.

"Wow, this is yummy" she said to herself and began eating it in a rush.

Jameson also got back in and was happy she has become his friend, he went into his room and took his bath then dressed up and ate his breakfast then went to work.


As Venom took Spider into the clan they all became surprised to see him hurt.

"Oh what happened to him?" Ryan asked.

"He was stabbed by the mask girl" she said.

Immediately Venom brought the tools and she help him treat his wound and after treating they took him to his room to rest and they locked the door so no one will disturb him.

After, Ricardo told them all to sit and they did then he told them to make sure they find the mask girl and bring her to him.

They nodded and he left the clan sadly.

They were all sad that Spider is not yet awake.

"Please wake up soon" Venom said and then Ryan went to sit beside her and console her seeing how she is crying.

Venom place her head on his shoulder.

Everyone was surprised seeing this because Ryan never allow anyone close to him, he loves to be alone but they shrug off the thought because of the situation.

"Did you think this girl was sent by someone?" Vixen asked.

"I don't think so, the way she act means she is here on her own"

"But how do we find her?" Ryan asked.

"That is the problem"

"I believe she will come back so we have to set a trap for her and from there she will come and we catch her"

"I think that is a nice idea" They all said except Venom.

Ryan look at her and saw that she has slept off so he carry her in a bridal style and took her to her room.

He laid her on the bed and cover her with the duvet but not face.

He sat beside her and began staring at her face.

"She is indeed so pretty" he said to himself admiring her.


Tiffany decided to not go there for that day since she was home all day.

She hacked into the clan and saw everything they were doing and on seeing them planning a trap for her she laughed.

She later switched off her laptop and feel bored at home.

Later around 4pm in the evening Jameson got back from work and saw that Tiffany is in, he went into the house first and change into a new clothes and he spray a cologne in his body then he went out and went to Tiffany's apartment.

He knocked on the door and Tiffany opened it.

As she saw him she became glad that she won't be bored anymore.

"What did you want again?" She said feigning annoyance.

"Just let me in first" he said and she paveway for him to pass and he went in and sit on the couch.

She close the door and went to serve him some food.

He saw the food and he became eager to eat it because of the scent.

Tiffany sat beside him.

"What are you doing now?" He asked

"Well, I was just bored at home"

"Should we go out?"

"No problem" she said and went in to dress up.

Jameson also began eating and after he finished eating he waited for Tiffany to come out.

After a while she came out and Jameson began staring at how beautiful she is.

They went out and got into the car and they drove to many places, having fun together.

Tiffany also was happy to have his company, she could not help but laugh at all his silly jokes.

After sometimes they went back home and she was glad to go out with him, she had so much fun.

She went into her room and called Evelyn and Chloe.

They talk for a while before she hang up and slept off.

The next day, she woke up and prepare to go to the clan again.

She put on her laptop and saw all the traps they have set for her.

She turn off the laptop after watching it and she dress up and board a taxi and when she got to the clan she put on her mask and paid the cabman.

She jumped over the fence and went in without letting anyone see her.

She went through the rooftop and saw all of them gather waiting for her to come.

She threw a knife through the roof top and it fell.

On seeing the knife they avoid it and it went to the wall.

Seeing they are distracted jump down and she took one of the guards with them in the room and sprained his neck.

As they saw her they rush to her.

Then she brought the fire laser and shot it at them and then it met Venom and she became weak.

Ryan move towards her dodging all the laser.

He got to her and shoot her.


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She took