🌷Can't help falling 🌹

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


That night Jameson decided to sleep at Tiffany's place.

"Why did you want to sleep at my place, I hope your parents won't be worried about you"

"I don't care if they worry or not, I just want to be with you"

"I wish to be with you also" she said and they both kissed deeply.

It turned into a make out and Tiffany led him to her bedroom and they both laid on the bed with Jameson on top of her.


Ryan was sleeping in the night and he suddenly wake up with his head banging badly and he began seeing blurry images.

This sometimes happen to him but he never cared about it but that night came with full force that he began screaming.

Venom was in her room when she heard someone screaming and she rushed out then she realized it was from Ryan's room so she rush in there and saw him holding his head.

She quickly got to him and held him then she realized that his body is beginning to warm up.

She called the guards and they took him to the hospital that night.

They got to the hospital and he was rushed into the ward and then they began treating him.

After a while the doctor came out and Venom rush to him.

"Doctor, what happened to him?"

"He is fine, he is just trying to remember something, I think he has a memory loss"

"How could he have a memory loss, he never hit his head on anything"

"I don't know how but this has been for a very long time now"

"Really, wow"

"Just go home and come back tomorrow"

"Doctor please let me stay with him please"

"Who are you to him?" The doctor asked

"I am his girlfriend"

"Okay you can stay but make sure you don't disturb him"

"I promise I won't" she said then the doctor left and she told the guards to go back telling them she will stay with him.

The guards left and she went into his ward.

She got to him and look at him then she said,

"Wake up soon dear" she said then peck him on his forehead and she sat beside him and place her head on the bed then she slept off.


Tiffany woke up and did not see Jameson with her anymore and she wondered where he is.

Just then the door opened and Jameson came in with food in his hand.

He move towards Tiffany and drop it on the stood then he peck her.

"Good morning my princess"

"Good morning sunshine, did you really cook this" she said pointing to the food.

"Yes, I just thought I should make you something"

"Wow so thoughtful of you, thanks darling" she said then kiss him.

Then she stood up and brush her teeth and she began eating her breakfast.

"Wow this taste so delicious" she said.

"Yeah, it must be I am one of the best cook in the country"

"Keep deceiving yourself" she said and they both laugh.

She finish eating and Jameson pack the dishes.

"I will be going to work now, take care of yourself, I will miss you"

"Same here" she replied then Jameson went downstairs and he took his food to the mansion and he took his bath and dressed up.

He was coming down when he saw his father.

Then he got down and greet him and walk past him.

"Young man, where have you been since yesterday?"

"That is none of your business"

"So you now have the nerve to talk to me rudely"

"You don't deserve my respect"

"Really, don't let me do what I will regret"

"What will you do, kill me like you kill other innocent people"

"Watch your mouth boy"

"I don't give a damn" he said and went to eat his breakfast then he left for work.

Ricardo clench his fist angrily and he walk to his room.

Tiffany later dress up to see Evelyn.

She got there and she met Evelyn in the livingroom.

Evelyn also saw her and Tiffany ran to hug her.

"Am glad you are back, I hope you are not hurt?"

"No I am not, I really thought I will die" she said.

"Thank God you are okay"

"I was just surprised how they release me easily"

"You were not released that easily, Ricardo had no choice but to release you"

"What do you mean by that?" She asked then Tiffany sit her down and explain to her.

After her explanation she was surprised that Jameson could do such a thing for her.

"I thought he would be like his father, he is really kind"

"Yeah he is, he is nothing like his father" she said.

"Guess what, we are both dating now"



"Wow, I am really happy for you"

"Thanks" Tiffany said and they both discuss and did some other things.


Venom woke up the next day and met Ryan still sleeping and she quickly went to the clan.

She took her bath and make breakfast and put it in a cooler to take it to the hospital,she also took some clothes for Ryan to change in.

She got to the hospital and met Ryan awake already and she went to hug him.

"Wow I am really happy you are awake" she said and she urge him to go take his bath in the hospital bathroom and he went then also brush his teeth.

He came out later and she brought out his food and gave it to him to eat.

Baddie also accompany her to the hospital and he greeted Ryan and asked if his health then he went out to give them some privacy.

She gave him his food and she took her own also and they both began eating.

After a while they finish eating and they began saying how they both miss each other and began romancing when the doctor came in.

He examined him and saw he is okay then he discharged him.

They went to the clan after he was discharged and they asked him what made him faint then he said his head was banging and he began seeing blurry images and that is not the first time.

"I think what the doctor said is true"

"I think you have loss your memory before"

"Well I also think so but I am not sure of it"

"Just don't force it and let the memory come back itself" Venom said and they both went into his room.

Baddie also went into his room and began playing some games.


Tiffany got back home later in the evening and just as she was about to enter Jameson car drove in and they both stare at each other.

Jameson got to her and hug her to himself.

"How is my darling doing?"

"Your darling is doing fine" she said

"Good" he said and kiss each other.

"I will be back shortly" he said ad went into the mansion and also Tiffany went into her house.

Dave and Romeo later propose to Chloe and Evelyn and they both accepted.

They were both happy and everyone who were present there were so happy for them.

Tiffany, Chloe, Jameson and Evelyn's parents were all there.

After the proposal they plan to have their wedding in a month time which they were all happy for this.


I think Ricardo erase Ryan's memory.

Wow I am happy for Chloe and Evelyn.

Who can't wait for their wedding.

This is the invitation to their wedding✉️, you are all invited.

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