Are you crazy, Misha said. I think the stuff is not working on her, the order guys said as they carry her inside the room. Leave me, who are you guys, Misha shout but they all laugh at her. See your friend has pay us so let us do our job without forcing you, you will enjoy it yourself other guy said as they forced themselves on her. Jason was so drunk and enter one room, he was in pain because he was horny. His manhood has erected. Ann was waiting for Sandra and decided to check on her as she was passing, she hear someone groaning so she entered the room. Hello, are you okay Ann said. Suddenly, she lost her control. As Jason saw her he stand up and move close to her. Ann was using her hand to trace his body which make him more harder, he slammed his lips with her. They both kissed for some minutes and he pushed her on the bed, they both have a night stand.

In the morning, Ann woke up and see a stranger with her in the room and She screamed. Who the hell are you Ann said as she kicked him off the bed. Oh, that hurt Jason said as he opened his eyes. He was shocked to see a stranger beside him. Who are you, what are you doing here Jason asked. I should be the one to ask you that question, what are you doing in here. In fact, where is Sandra and Mike, Ann asked. I don't know the people you are talking about, all I want to know is how did you get here Jason said. How you get here, what kind of stupid question is that Ann said. Hey, young lady, did you know who you are talking to Jason yelled. Ann was frightened, I don't care a darm about you Ann shout. Wait, I remember I was sitting in the bar with mike when Sandra go and get us a room Ann said. Us! Jason yelled. Me and my boyfriend, Ann said. Okay, Jason said as he remember Misha was taking him to a room when everything blank out, is this her plans, Jason said. Whose plan Ann asked. Nothing Jason said as he throw some money at her. Take this and clean this mess Jason said as he was about to leave. Wait, what did you take me for, a prostitute Ann yelled. And what are you Jason chuckled. Did you know what you just did, you have ruined my life, Ann yelled crying. Jason was touched, he has never feel bad for a girl before. Am sorry, Jason said. Don't worry, Ann said as she was about to leave. Take this, you may need me anytime Jason said as he bring out his card. I don't need it,Ann said. Don't proof stubborn, take Jason said as he give her the card. Bye he said as he leave, Ann fell on the bed and cry her eye out. Jason reach the bar and saw Misha, he walk angrily to her but met her crying. What happened Jason asked. Jason, I was raped by four men Misha cried. What! Jason yelled. It's okay, let leave before people started coming in Jason said as he carried Misha in a bridal style. meanwhile, Ann saw everything. So, he has a girlfriend Ann said as she leave the club.

What! Angel shouted when Ann narrated everything to her.what about Sandra, where is she Angel asked. I don't know, I can't even say for now Ann said crying. Sandra was in the room while Mike was cuddling her. Babe, you are so sweet Mike said. Really Sandra asked. I don't even know what you see in that girl she added. You are right, she didn't even let me taste her mike said. She will always said, after my wedding night Sandra mocked her. We have to leave Mike said as he leave the room.

What am I going to do now Ann asked. You have to pull your self together Angel said. Am finished, what am I going to tell mike Ann said. I warn you but you wouldn't listen Angel said. Am so sorry Ann said. That's your speech, you are sorry Angel said. Ann was busy crying and Angel console her. It's okay, stop crying Angel said. What am I going to tell mike Ann said. You have to be take care of yourself first then we can think about what we can tell mike later Angel said.

Later in the evening, Angel told Ann to tell mike about the incident. Are you sure he will listen to me Ann asked. Of course, he must listen to you Angel said. While, Ann call Mike's number, it rang for a while before he pick it. Hello, mike Ann said over the phone. Hello babe, how are you doing mike asked. Am good Ann said moody. What happened, you sounds somehow mike asked. Can we talk, I want to see you Ann said. Okay, maybe tomorrow or can't you tell me over the phone mike said feeling worried. No, tomorrow is good Ann said and end the call. What happened to her, she never end the call first mike said as Sandra enter his office. Hi babe Sandra said. Hi mike replied looking worried. Why are you acting cold Sandra asked. Ann want to see me and she sounds somehow mike said. Really Sandra asked happily. Yeah, I hope she is fine mike said. anyhow, what brings you here mike asked. I come to keep my baby a happily. Sandra said. Take your seat, let me quickly finished this work mike said as he face the computer. My plan work, mission accomplished. Dear mike, go and hear the most shocking news tomorrow Sandra thought as she smile. Baby sorry for keeping you waiting, am almost done mike said. OK, be quick Sandra said happily.