He became mute...

Selene POV

"Are you alright?" Xavier rushed to me, stooping to pick up my phone, which had scattered into a thousand pieces from the impact of the fall. 

"Did you see something?" he asked again, sneaking a look behind his back. 

In his casual pants and T-shirt that had a small tear at the shoulders, he looked unrecognizable. But what baffled me the most was how he didn't seem to know who I was. So far, the only thing I had changed was the colour of my hair and maybe I seemed sharper than before.

But else that he was my mate for moon's sake. He was supposed to pick up my scent as soon as he saw me. But he continued talking, barely sparing me a glance.

"I hope you're not alone," he sighed. "You shouldn't be out walking in the park alone. There's a rogue on the prowl and we're trying to catch it,". 

"T-Thank you," I finally said, barely recognizing my voice. 

I couldn't tell if I was relieved that he didn't recognize me or disappointed. I had thought about meeting him a thousand times in my head and it had all ended in a heated argument or him losing his temper or trying to harm me. Not Xavier acting like he was a kind man. 

"I'll walk you home," he offered, reaching for my hands. 

His icy hand on mine sparked electricity as desire shot into every part of my body. Bea moaned in relish and I felt myself trying to cuddle up to him. I shook my head, trying to clear my head as I removed my hand from his. 

"That won't be necessary sir," I took several steps backwards, putting enough space between us "I can find my way,". 

"Didn't you hear what I said?" his eyes flashed impatiently, "There's a rogue on the prowl and…". 

"I heard you the first time," I cut him short, "And I can take care of myself. In case you haven't noticed, I am an adult,". 

He paused as his eyes roamed all over my body. I could feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks under his ardent gaze, but I turned away just before he could see it. Maybe he has finally remembered who I was.

"Are you a foreigner visiting Greyhound City?" he blurts. 

"What? No!" I shook my head. 

"Then who are you?" he arched his brow. "You don't seem familiar," he said. 

I inhaled, feeling irritated. Was he pretending not to know me? 

"I'll leave first," I said, trying to turn away when he reached for my hands again. 

"Don't walk out on me. Answer my question first," he growled. "Who are you?"

"Let me go, this instant!" I shrieked, struggling against his stronghold. "Is this how you go about grabbing women? What kind of man are you?"

"I am the Alpha of this city," he growled. "If you don't introduce yourself, I will throw you into jail." 

"Oh," I laughed hysterically, "Do I look like one of those women whom you threaten? Does it look like I'm scared of you now? Let me go right now!"

"Just answer my question," he said coldly. "Are you an impostor? Or are you with that rogue on the prowl?". 

"For an Alpha, you act like a commoner," I hissed. "I presume this is how you treat your Luna at home,". 

His face turned red with fury. "Don't talk about my wife like that,". 

"Why not?" I said calmly, "If you can threaten and grab me inappropriately in public like this, I wonder how you treat your wife when no one is watching".

 My words hung in the air like an unspoken truth. Xavier's hand slowly left mine as he took a step backwards. There was pain and anguish on his face as his jaw clenched and the muscles in his neck tensed as if he was struggling to contain a storm that surged within. 

He ran a hand through his hair as his eyes, which were fiery with anger moments ago, glistened with grief and regret. 

"You can say whatever nonsense you want to say about me, but don't talk about my wife like that," he uttered.

"Chill, it's not that serious." I straightened my clothes, staring at him strangely. 

It was a harmless joke. 

"You know nothing of what happened," his voice shook as he pointed his index finger at me "You all come here and judge me, do you know what I've had to put up with since she left me? How every day is a struggle?"

"Xa…" I started to say. "Look here, Alpha," I corrected immediately. "I don't know what you're talking about or whatever you mean. I'll just leave, okay,". 

He didn't say anything. He just sat on the bench and held his head with his hands. My heart wrenched with pity at the sight, but there was nothing I could do. I turned and left. 

When I had gone a distance, I stopped and turned to see if he was still there, but he had disappeared. 


When I returned to the hotel, I was an emotional mess. 

I was shocked and disappointed that Xavier didn't recognize me, and it surprised me at the vulnerability I had seen in his eyes when I had mentioned his wife. He looked like he was on the verge of crying. 

I couldn't forget his grief-laden gaze when I had mentioned her. Did he remarry? Did his second wife die or something? It couldn't possibly be me. I was buried deep in the forest for months and no one came to rescue me. 

It meant that Xavier didn't care enough to look for me, so it wasn't me for sure. 

"Are you alright, ma'am?" Linda asked, interrupting my thoughts. 

"Oh!" I gave her a small smile. "Just thinking,". 

"Just thinking?" her gaze settled on me. "You had a worried look on your face moments ago,". 

"It's nothing," I reassured her. "Just some random thoughts. Has anyone from the Alpha's office contacted us?" I asked, changing the topic. 

"Yes ma'am. They said the Alpha would meet you at the hotel's conference room at 10 am tomorrow,". 

"And?" I arched my brow in amusement. 

"That was all," Linda said. "They sounded like they were commanding us,". 

"Well, let's wait until tomorrow then," I slumped on the couch in the room "I clearly said we would reach out to them. Are the girls in bed already?"

"Yeah, the tiredness got to them as soon as they bathed,". 

"Good," I nodded and rose to my feet. "By the way, is the Alpha of the Greyhound pack married?" I tried to sound casual. 

"He was married, but his wife died," Linda said. 


I wasn't expecting that. 

"Did he remarry at least?" 

My curiosity has piqued at this point.

"No," Linda shook her head. "They said the Alpha became a recluse after her death. There was also a blood bath of some sort, but these days, it's his Beta who represents him everywhere,". 

I stiffened when I heard Linda's words and turned to face her sharply.

"Why his Beta?" 

Her voice lowered in a conspiratory tone as she came closer to me "Because the Alpha became mute,".