Lycan Noah...

Selene POV

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow on the room with our clothes strewn everywhere. I laid tangled with Xavier on the bed, as my eyes fluttered slowly, adjusting to the dim room. In a flash, the events of the previous night came back to me and I sighed. 

I turned my head slightly, stealing a glance at the man beside me, he was still fast asleep. He looked peaceful as he snored gently, with one of his hands draped around me possessively. Reaching out, I swept his hair aside as nostalgia filled me. 

Back then when I was in still in the pack, he only came to my room every full moon to make love to me and would leave immediately he finished. We never had time to cuddle or share any sunrise. Our union was so cursed that none of us could stand the sight of the other person. 

Bea, my wolf wagged her tail happily, last night, she had enjoyed herself thoroughly making me wonder if she had finally forgiven Xavier for the hurt, he caused to her. Also, I felt his wolf, Colton last night. Making a mental note to ask him if he had gotten his wolf back, I carefully untangled myself from his hold and moved to the edge of the bed. 

Just as my feet touched the ground, a hand pulled me back to the bed. 

"Where are you running off to?" Xavier's husky voice sounded in my ears as he hugged me closer, burying his face in my hair.

"The kids..." I said weakly, feeling desire shoot to every part of my body "I need to check on them,". 

"Just a minute more," he sighed, burying his face deeper into my hair "Last time was incredible," his voice sounded muffled "And I don't ever want it to stop,".

My heart leapt nervously at his words. Suddenly, I became uncomfortable with everything. This isn't why I was here. Wiggling away from his hold, I pushed myself to the ground.

"I don't want the girls to wake up and not see me, Alpha," I said, slipping into my clothes "Besides, we wouldn't want people to start talking about us,". 

"There's no shame in this, Olivia," he hoisted himself into a sitting position "I like you and we're both single, except..." he trailed off as realization registered in his eyes. "The kids dad,". 

My mouth went dry immediately "What about him?"

"Are you married to him or something?" he asked staring at me eagerly. 

"You could have considered all of this when we were lunging at each other last night, Alpha Xavier. I am not in the habit of sleeping with every client I work with,". 

"I didn't say that, Olivia," he scrambled from the bed "I didn't mean to offend you, I was just curious about the children's father since you've never mentioned them. But I'm sorry if it's not something to talk about,". 

Suddenly feeling irritated and fighting the urge to snap, I faced him. 

"Last night was a mistake, Alpha Xavier. I am not ready to be in a relationship and you're not over your wife yet. We were weak last night and these things happen when you're like that...". 

"Don't say that, Olivia," hurt flashed in his eyes "Last night meant a lot to me. You're the first woman I've being with since Selene died. I could never take that for granted,". 

"That's enough, Xavier," I raised my hands up in protest "Enough talk about your dead wife and for the record, this never happened,". 

I turned to walk to the door when he reached for me and grabbed me by my waist, hugging me from behind. 

"Don't leave angry, Olivia," he begged "You've healed me in ways that I'd never think I could heal since the death of my...".

"Wife," I completed with a sneer pulling away from him "Make peace with your past, Xavier, I won't keep making love to you and the ghost of your past,". 

It wasn't until the words left my mouth, that I realized the insinuations I was making. 

As Xavier opened his mouth to reply, the door burst open and Lucius rushed in. 

"The Lycan Noah is here and..." he trailed off as he noticed me. 

He took in my dishevelled appearance and Xavier's clothes still strewn on the ground except for the blue briefs he had on and immediately lowered his eyes. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd have a guest, I'll come back later," he started to back out. 

"Noah is coming here?" a gasp escaped my lips.

"Yes miss," Lucius nodded "He's on his way to the Pack house from the Airport,". 

"Oh goddess!" I became disoriented for a minute "Why? Did someone call him?"

"No ma," Lucius shook his head "He must have heard of the attack yesterday and ...". 

The words had barely left Lucius mouth when a guard hurried into the room. 

"Alpha, Beta," he bowed in reference "The Lycan Noah is here and is currently heading towards here,". 

"What?" I shouted in alarm and hurried out of the room. 

As soon as I entered Xavier's room, I leaned against the door catching my breath, feel guilt creep up my spine. Why was I worried about Noah coming here? 

Racing to the bathroom at one end of the room, I tore my clothes off as I jumped into the shower trying to scrub out any evidence that I was with Xavier. Lycans unlike Alpha could pick the slightest of scent. 

As I scrubbed, my breaths were coming in spasms... I was scared. If Noah should find out that I had spent the entire night with Xavier... A shiver ran down my spine as I got out of the bath, and dried myself up. 

As I entered the room again, the girls stirred. 

"Mummy," Vina cried out rubbing her eyes. 

"Yes baby," I hurried to her "How are you?"

"I'm hungry," she whined "My stomach hurts,". 

"Me too," Maeve opened her eyes too "I can smell Noah, is he here," she adds. 

"Yes," I rushed to the wardrobe, rifling through it. Finally selecting a yellow gown patterned with flowers at the hem. "Mummy will get you food to eat now, okay? I just need you girls, to go brush your teeth and bath before Noah comes over,". 

"We will," Maeve nods "But why are you nervous mommy? Aren't you happy that Noah is here?"

"Of course, I am," I chuckled nervously, trying to block off the girls from reading my mind. 

"We woke up in the middle of the night, mummy but we didn't see you. Where we you?" I froze as I turned to face the girls who stared back at me innocently. 

If I told a lie, they would immediately sense something off and more than anything, I wanted to live a life worthy of emulation. 

"I was with Alpha Xavier; we had a lot to discuss and...". 

"Wait!" Vina raised her hand up in excitement "If you were with Alpha Xavier, that means this strange place is his pack?"

"Yes," I nodded. 

"Really?" her beautiful eyes rounded with surprise "How long are we going to stay before leaving?" she asked. 

"Some few days, I guess. Until after we're done with why we're here,". 

Maeve didn't say anything, she just continued watching us quietly. A small knock sounded on the door and she jumped up in excitement. 

"That's Noah, it's him at the door," she announced.