He's the father of my kids...

Noah POV

I had been halfway to Central Europe for the monthly Cash Call meeting held in the sky by the Lycans of the Regions when my Gamma Steve leaned in my ears and whispered. 

"The security details attached to Miss Olivia just paged a red alarm to us. Attempts to reach them have proved abortive,". 

The Long Island drink in my hand slipped from it and clattered to the ground as I jumped to my feet, feeling panic in every part of me. I've never felt that way before, not even when I had to watch my parents die. But with Olivia, it was different. 

I knew I was hopelessly in love with her, and this trip to the Greyhound Pack had left me feeling uneasy. A year ago, I had been digging into Olivia, who had stayed in our pack after being rescued by our team in a forest with her children. She has stayed with us since then.