Selene is alive...

Xavier POV

"So, you're just going to let her go?" Lucius said as he came to stand beside me. 

I just stood and watched the cars escorting Lycan Noah, my uncle, and Olivia to the airport. I was angry. Angry at myself, at Olivia for leading me on, and then at my uncle Noah. I didn't know if I deserved to be this angry, but something didn't sit well with me. 

One moment, I was passionately loving Olivia, and the next, she was my uncle's fiancée. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, turning to face Lucius, who had a dark expression on his face. 

"Olivia," he said sullenly, "Are you going to let her go, just like that? All that loving and sparks I saw flying was nothing?"

"Seems so," I shrugged. "She belongs to him now and the girls." I sounded sad. 

"Isn't it weird that the father of her kids is very much present in her life and she's jumping in bed with another man? Does it make sense?" Lucius scoffed.