I want to form an alliance...

Selene POV

"Okay," I nodded holding a fistful of my dress in my hand as I stared at him. 

"Let's go then," he said. 

The silence that hung in the car as we drove to the pack house was so uncomfortable that I was scared of breathing. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Noah's jaw twitching at intervals. 

It was as if he had a lot to say but was holding back. I knew he wasn't happy with the decision and more than anyone, I knew he didn't deserve this. Noah is a good man. 

"You just need to say the word and I promise I won't go through with it," I said breaking the silence. 

"What?" he turned to look at me for a split second before concentrating on the road "Did you say something?'

"I said, we can look for other solutions instead of doing this. I feel guilty that…". 

"But it was your idea," he interrupted me "You suggested it to Xavier, right? He told me so at least,".