Where the treasure was...

Three Weeks ago (Selene's arrival at Greyhound Airport with the twins)

~~~Regional Council~~~ 

Narration POV

Seated at the conference table in the Regional Council Hall were six Alphas - Alpha Jared of the Blue Moon Pack, Alpha Mason of the Firelit Pack, Alpha Kyle of the Shadow Hunt Pack, Alpha Kingston of the Waterfall Pack, Alpha Zed of the Two Moon Pack, Alpha Jason of the Red moon pack. All Six Alphas from the Easter Region had gathered but one person was missing and it was Alpha Xavier of the Greyhound Pack. 

He was also the leader of the Alphas of the Eastern Werewolf Pack Coalition but since the incident that happened with his wife and pack, they seldom send him invites for meetings. Today, they all sat round the large conference table in the room, a sad look on their faces.