Kill them all!!!

Selene POV

I watched as Xavier came to an abrupt halt with Maeve and Vina standing an arm's length from him. My heart pounded with fright as I stared at their proximity to the intruders… they were closer than the rest of us. They and Xavier. 

The dark, hairy wolves suddenly started trooping out. It felt like we'd just walked into a training ground and in less than a few minutes, we were surrounded, locked in from all sides by these intruders. 

The rest of our pack huddled together whimpering with fear.

Of course, I've seen black wolves but there was something different about this lot and they all looked alike. The same stature, eyes, and small mannerisms… if these were rogue wolves, they were no ordinary ones. 

I continued watching as the crowd of these strange animals suddenly parted and then strode someone in Xavier's direction. He was slightly taller, bigger and different from the rest. When he got to Xavier, his eyes were cold.