I only answer to the king...

Selene POV

"What?" I scrambled to my feet "Is that supposed to be a thing? How can my presence or absence impact everyone?"

"Mummy please just hurry, I'm starving," Vina cried. 

I rushed into the closet and picked the first clothes my eyes fell on before rushing out again. When I returned it was just Noah in the room. 

"Where are the girls?" I asked searching for them. 

"I asked them to go ahead. Are you done?" he asked me quietly. 

"Yeah, I think so," I nodded unable to meet his eyes. I didn't expect he'd be talking to me in the first place. 

"Then let's go," he reached for my hand and together we started towards the door. 

I could feel the guilt gnawing inside of me as we moved. Last night had been so terrible and more than anything, I knew he was looking forward to it. It was my fault that everything had gone haywire. 

He deserved an apology at least.