Changing husbands like clothes...

Selene POV

"That's not what I mean," Leonard said calmly "You might be forced to take sides and you should know all of these things are inevitable. There's no telling what you may do differently when you start having children for my son,". 

"So, what are you advising then? What do you think I should do?"

"First, you must make sure that Noah doesn't adopt the girls as his children. They belong to Xavier and as women, they can be married into good families, I'll make sure of that. Secondly, regarding the marriage, we could start making contacts and see if they can be betrothed now and later when they're of age, we can get them married,". 

My eyes twinkled with amusement at the seriousness I saw on his face. To think he was giving me this advice because he cared amused me even more. Was he so sure that I would do whatever he said?