Just getting started...

Selene POV

A small smile settled on my lips as I walked out of the office and came face to face with Brooke, leaning on the wall that led to the corridor where Noah's office was. 

I was familiar with this scene. When I was married to Xavier, in my weak days, Belinda will come to my room several time or whatever opportunity she had to taunt me. Some days, I will try to fight back but will end up getting the brunt of Xavier's wrath. 

She was beautiful, young and satisfied him in more ways than I did so it was only normal for everyone to always take sides with her. Back then, she would self-harm, accuse me of insulting her and a lot of unprintable things and no matter how greatly disadvantaged I was back then, Xavier always took her side and would blame me. 

I raised my chin high, telling myself that I wouldn't exchange so much of a word with Brooke. I had passed that stage where I should be worried about a man liking me or not.