Everyone's knows...

Noah POV


Relief coursed through me as I slammed the door, and walked into the room. 

"Your majesty," She rose to her feet and gave a small bow in my direction "I didn't know you'd recognize me without my royal attire. Welcome,". 

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Selene looking at us with curiosity and maybe confusion. It could only mean one thing, that she isn't aware of who Jade truly is. 

"Are you alright dear?" I turned to Selene. 

"I am fine," she answered coldly "Why are you here?"

"I came to see you, silly," I chuckled "Didn't expect that I'll find you with a visitor. Princess Jade, are you aware that you got everyone worried? We've sent soldiers to look for you all over the place, cannot believe you were right under our noses,".

"You call should take a break, I just wanted one day without being a princess, is that too much to ask?"