I'm getting a divorce...

Noah POV 

I watched as Selene left the room, and it felt as if my heart was ripped from my chest. I rushed out of the room and followed her out. As I rounded the corner, I froze when I saw her crumple to the ground. Guilt filled my heart as I watched her body shaking with sobs. 

Suddenly, I saw Xavier and the girls walking towards her, I hid by the corner and watched as Xavier went out with my mate. For a moment, I contemplated running up to him and asking him to unhand my wife to me. 

Gritting my teeth, I started back to the room, feeling wrath simmering within me as I started straight to Brooke who was talking with Princess Jade. 

"How dare you?" I yelled "What on earth have I done to you for you to think you can sow chaos and mistrust in my family? I don't know why you're doing this or what you intend to gain from it but it ends here now!"