You'll be my priority...

Selene POV

"I don't know," He sighed running a hand through his hair, I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. "Selene… I thought we were so close and that there's nothing that can make you doubt our love. Since when…" he trailed off "Since when did you start hating me so much that you want a divorce,". 

I stared at my husband, studying the hardened lines of his face. So much had happened, so many secrets had been spilt into the open over the last few hours. Try as I may, I know it'll never be easy for me to let this go again… the conversation couldn't be delayed any longer. 

"Noah!" I exhaled trying to control the angry surges that were passing through me "I don't have time for this. Why are you not looking beyond the surface? You've maltreated me in the last couple of days; bedded me without my consent, ignored all my attempts at trying to get you to see that your people do not like me even when it is glaring that…"