Men loved to prey...

Selene POV

Men loved to prey on easy, vulnerable women. 

I've come to understand this since my last marriage and what did they say about Hell hath no fury for a woman scorned?

I waited until I heard a light knock on my door followed by two sharp ones. It was the signal we had agreed on earlier. Quietly, I put on my coat, arranging my bed to make it look like there was someone in it and then turned off the light before I sneaked out of my room. 

I wanted to make a quick stop at the girls' room but I didn't want to delay anymore and it was almost time for the evening accountability of the guards; they had to submit their weapons, take stock of their ammunition and a whole lot which could take almost an hour and I didn't want us to be trapped. I walked briskly through the hallway, stopping occasionally to duck behind pillars to let others pass before I continued on my journey.