I killed King Tanner...

A few hours ago. 

Xavier POV

We crossed the compound and headed towards the outskirts of the guest quarters. It had taken me about fifteen minutes to convince Noah to come meet Kurtis and there was a reason why we had insisted he come to meet Kurtis outside of his office… 

We were trying to be careful. At this point, we couldn't afford to expose all our plans to listening ears stationed all over the pack house. Noah fell into sync behind me as we walked through the thick grove of the secluded bamboo grove, his jaw clenched and brows arched in irritation. I was undeterred by his foul mood. When we got to the edge of the grove, he stopped and turned to me with a frown on his face. 

"Don't tell me that we're walking into that," he pointed 'it's too thick and there might be crawling animals there,".