Coming back to life...

Selene POV

As soon as Kragen heard footsteps, he gave me one last hard look before he disappeared into the shadows. My heart was still pounding frantically when I stared at Kurtis's still form on the bed. Immediately, the door burst open and Xavier rushed in, a maid on his heels carrying a bowl of water and towels accompanied by the Pack doctor and his nurses.

"What took you so long?" I barked as soon as I saw them. I picked myself up from where I was standing at the other side of the room talking to Kragen and walked towards them. Without waiting for a reply, I turned to the maid "Keep damping him with the cold towel, let's try to bring his temperature down a bit," I instructed.

"I came with the pack doctor," Xavier said pushing the doctor forward "Let him examine him at least to know what's wrong,".