Conrad's plan...

Selene POV

"Mommy, something is not right!" Vina said for the umpteenth time since I came to their room today.

Their Nannies reached out to me last night saying that the girls have been gloomy. They refused to eat or drink and they were worried. Since I was tired last night and with the entire fiasco of things that happened, I didn't want to go to the girls, especially after speaking with Kragen.

So, I waited until this morning. I insisted on grooming them this morning and they haven't stopped singing into my ears that something is not right.

"Everything will be fine darling, I promise," I ruffled her hair kissing her on the forehead. "Mommy is here and also daddy,".

"I'm just scared that something will happen to Daddy," Maeve sobbed leaning into my arms "I can't explain it but I feel that something terrible will happen to him. Please tell Daddy to be careful, especially today,".