Starting from this moment, you all seize to be Kings!

Noah POV

"That's fine," I looked at Conrad calmly noticing how he was shuffling his feet, I could tell he was already uncomfortable with my presence and it made my heart soar. "So, what has been discussed so far in the meeting? By the way is this the same meeting you told me you wanted to hold that it was the reason why you asked all the Kings to gather here?"

His eyes darted from me to the rest of the people there and back to me. The Kings began to murmur amongst themselves until one of them spoke up. "That's not what he told us,".

"Yes," The Lycan King to Night Fang agreed "He told us that his brother King Tanner was making a comeback and had chosen Moon Whisper since it's closer to everyone there. When we arrived, he said he came by himself because his brother got caught up in something important and hence will not be coming now. So, we just assumed that he would come eventually,".