The hatred you harbour against Noah...

Selene POV

"The girls…" Xavier managed to squeak in his weak form "We have to get them,".

Kurtis nodded and turned to me "Do you have any idea where or who they might be with?" he must have noticed how dazed I was by the whole thing because, in the next instant, he pulled me to him and palmed my face in his had "Listen, Selene, I know this is overwhelming and stuff but this is no time no space out. We cannot afford that right now. I want you to think… Do you know where they might be or who they might be with?"

"Th…Their Nannies," I stuttered snapping out of it "They might be with their nannies. They're the only ones authorized to stay with the girls and they're the ones who can…" The words barely left my lips when Faustina and Brenna walked up to us laughing at something they said. They both had laundry baskets balanced on their hips and stopped short when they saw us.