Death is my redemption...

Narrator POV

Four years ago

[Selene had just run away from Greyhound and had boarded a plane that would take her far away]

The plane shuddered violently as it began its descent. The air hostess was shouting something about using safety belts and jackets and the rest but Selene was busy fighting to maintain her balance coupled with the fact that everyone was shouting while she was being tossed about the plane's cabin like a rag doll.

Somehow, she managed to grab one of the seats and held on tight as tears sipped into her lips, she didn't notice she was even crying. All she ever wanted was to leave Xavier and raise the children alone far away from him and his cheating ass. She wanted to set herself free and be on her own. She wasn't asking for too much, only a chance to be her own woman and to be the best version of a mom to her children.