Brooke’s test result…

Selene POV

"Selene!" I heard Noah screech behind me as we walked the corridors leading to my bedroom.

He was pissed off… clearly in rage. Since we finished the meeting, he has been trying to talk to me but I kept evading him and right now, all I wanted to do was to go back to my room and lock myself in. I didn't want to seem in a hurry… although I looked calm, I was walking as fast as I could to get away from him.

"Selene! You stop there right now!" his voice reverberated through the corridor again. I could see a few of the servants stopping to give us curious glances. I risked a fearful glance over my shoulders, noting that his usually, warm green eyes looked dark with fury. His hands were clenched to his sides as he continued to march towards me.