To prove that you’re truly sorry...

Selene POV

"Noah!" I laughed, rising on my feet "You cannot say that. I committed a grave sin and I need to atone for it,".

"Seriously, Selene," he dragged me back to him "All these things are not necessary but if you insist, I cannot stop you and it's the best thing ever to see that you genuinely care for me. to say the truth, these few days it has not been easy dealing with home – my sister won't even talk to me. Won't take my calls… my dad has gone mum on me and is keeping it professional. Not to talk of the pack elders and officials… one slip and they'll have me thrown away from this seat,".

"Thrown away?" I eyed him curiously "What are you talking about? You became King based on inheritance. Your dad was a Grand Lycan and by right, his heir should rule in his stead,".