Pregnancy test...

Selene POV

I stared at my form in the full-length mirror in my office trying to make sense of what Kragen said. I hadn't noticed anything different about me. My palate wasn't strange, I didn't feel weak or funny. He must be wrong; besides, I've been careful.

There was a knock on my door making me twirl around quickly, if someone should see me obsessing over myself in front of the mirror, they might give them ideas and the last thing I wanted was that. The door gave way and the leader from the Women's group peeked into the office.

"Your Majesty," she bowed slightly "May I come in?"

"Sure thing!" I nodded with a pleasant smile "Please come in. I wasn't expecting you until later today. Did something happen that you needed my attention?"

"Not really, Luna," she sighed and started playing with her fingers, her gaze downwards "I just came to thank you for everything," When she looked up, I noticed she had tears in her eyes.